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--> Yesterday, when I was young. Roy Clark sang this song at Mickey Mantle's funeral in 1995. Mickey had heard Roy sing it before and thought it depicted his life so well that he specifically asked Roy to someday sing it at his funeral. "It seems the love I've known, has always been the most destructive kind. I guess that's why now, I feel so old before my time." Yesterday, when I was young, The taste of life was sweet, as rain upon my tongue, I teased at life, as if it were a foolish game, The way the evening breeze may tease a candle flame | The thousand dreams I dreamed, the splendid things I planned, I always built, alas, on weak and shifting sand, I lived by night, and shunned the naked light of day, And only now, I see, how the years ran away | Yesterday, when I was young, So many happy songs were waiting to be sung, So many wild pleasures lay in store for me, And so much pain, my dazzled eyes refused to see | I ran so fast that time, and youth at last ran out, I never stopped to think, what life, was all about, And every conversation, I can now recall, Concerned itself with me, and nothing else at all | Yesterday, the moon was blue, And every crazy day, brought something new to do, I used my magic age, as if it were a wand, And never saw the worst, and the emptiness beyond | The game of love I played, with arrogance and pride, And every flame I lit, too quickly, quickly died, The friends I made, all seemed somehow to drift away, And only I am left, on stage to end the play | There are so many songs in me, that won't be sung, I feel the bitter taste, of tears upon my tongue, The time has come for me to pay, For yesterday, when I was young...


Ecrit par albertdang, le Jeudi 19 Février 2009, 19:12 dans la rubrique Le Tropique du Quotidien.